Setting up an account
Step 1: Click on Account in the blue header at the top of the site
Step 2: Click on Register
Step 3: Complete the fields with your information
Step 4: Agree to the Data Protection and Terms of Use of the Site
Step 5: Click on Register
You will see an on screen message confirming that you have registered for SearchOut Warwickshire and request to activate account - Email has been sent to the registered email. Please follow the instructions to activate your account. If you do not receive this email please check your spam/junk folder just in case it was filtered out.
Step 6: Go to your relevant mailbox
Step 7: Open email request to activate account
Step 8: Click on link ‘Verify Email’ to activate account
You will be taken straight to the website and you will see an on screen message confirming that you have activated your account - Your account has been successfully activated. You can now continue using your account by logging in.
Once you have completed the above steps, you will be able to log into your account to add your community content.
Forgotten password
Step 1: Click on Account in the blue header at the top of the site
Step 2: Click on I’ve Forgotten My Password
Step 3: Add your User Account email address
Step 4: Click on Remind Me
On screen message - If you are a valid registered user, a password reset email is sent. Please follow the instructions given in the email.
Step 5: Go to your mailbox and open email from SearchOut Warwickshire
Step 6: Click on link in email Reset my password
You will then be presented with the Change Password page on SearchOut Warwickshire website
Step 7: Fill in your new password twice
Step 8: Click on Change my Password
On screen message – Your password is successfully updated.
Step 9: Fill in your email address and new password to log into your User Account.
Resetting your password
Step 1: Click on Account in the blue header at the top of the website
Step 2: Log into your account using your email address and password
Step 3: On Your Account Welcome Page, click on Change your password
Step 4: Complete fields with new password information
Step 5: Click on Change my password
You will see the on screen message stating, Your password has been successfully updated.
Adding a new entry on the site
Step 1: Click on Account in the blue header at the top of the site.
Step 2: Log into your account using your email address and password.
Step 3: Click on Community Content in the blue header at the top of the site.
Step 4: Choose from one of the templates, for example Create a new Event, Create a new Group on the right-hand side of the screen.
Step 5: Complete the fields within the template and click on Submit.
You will see the on screen message stating, ‘Service submitted’ and it will appear within the relevant ‘My Community Content’ section listed as Unpublished, Your latest changes are pending approval.
Your entry will be sent through to the site Administrator to review and upload to the live website.
Once your entry has been uploaded to the live site, the status will change to Published.
Updating your entry on the website
Step 1: Click on Account in the blue header at the top of the website.
Step 2: Log into your account using your email address and password.
Step 3: Click on Community Content in the blue header at the top of the site.
Step 4: Click on the relevant section on the left-hand side of the screen, under the heading ‘My Community Content’, for example, My Groups, My Services.
Step 6: To preview to your entry, click on the entry heading. To come out of this view, use the back arrow on your browser.
Step 7: Click on Edit. This will open the relevant template and populate it with your current information.
Step 8: Update your entry where appropriate.
Step 9: Once you are happy with your changes, click on Update to send your changes through to the site Administrator to review and upload to the live site.
You will see an on screen message stating that your content has been updated. In addition to this, you will also see a message under the content you edited stating ‘Your latest changes are pending approval.’.
Your changes will be sent through to the Administrator for moderation and will be uploaded within two working days. Once the changes have been uploaded, this message will disappear and will just state Published.
Please note that newly updated content will be presented on the carousels within the site straight away (12 only). Although your content has been updated on the site, the search results list may take a little longer to update.