Led by Warwickshire Coventry and Solihull Local Nature Partnership in partnership with the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and the Warwickshire & West Midlands Association of Local Councils (WALC), this free workshop is open to parish and town councils and community group representatives.
The workshop is designed to help your Council and community develop, consult on, and deliver your own Local Nature Action Plan (LNAP).
You will be walked through a step by step guide developed by South Gloucestershire Council specifically for town and parish councils to help them act on the ecological crisis the world is facing. The guidance has been adopted by Bath and North East Somerset Council and now Warwickshire. Find out more about the S Glos Local Nature Action Plans
You will work in groups to discuss how you might start to assemble an Action Plan for your parish or town, supported by colleagues from Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and WALC.
Going forwards the Local Nature Action Plans for Warwickshire will be informed by Warwickshire's Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS). The Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Warwickshire will be produced by the Responsible Authority, Warwickshire County Council, working with the Local Nature Partnership.