Warwickshire Badger Group exists to protect and conserve badgers throughout the county. Affiliated to Badger Trust the country's leading authority on badger conservation.
Warwickshire Badger Group:
- Protects setts.
- Liaises with police to prevent persecution.
- Gives advice to householders experiencing "badger problems".
- Supports local rescue centres.
- Extensive database of setts.
More sett details and precise locations of badger road kills welcome (email: sahyll@yahoo.co.uk or telephone group recorder Steve Hawkes, evenings on 01926 832534).
The group meets quarterly; guest speakers. Open (free) to non-members. Contact Steve Hawkes or Pauline Allwood (tel. 01926 842632) for details. Warwickshire Badger Group welcomes new members. Membership secretary: Nick Eborall, tel 01789 294381 or email: nickebor@gmail.com