Ballroom & Latin classes Latin-in-Line classes (partner not needed) and private lessons for adults and Wedding Dance tuition. Dance Exercise classes and partly-seated Dance Exercise classes for mature people. Dance courses are usually held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Latin-in-Line classes are held on Monday mornings. Private dance lessons are usually held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and some Saturday mornings. Lessons on other days can sometimes be arranged. Dance Exercise classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. For more information and timetable please get in touch.
Wheelchair access to all venues.
Dance Exercise classes consist of exercises to increase suppleness strength and stamina using music from Bach to Boyzone; also ballroom dance latin dance latin-in-line dance (no partner needed) salsa dance and Argentine dance lessons. Wedding dance tuition also.Contact Marilyn Bosworth Tel : 01789 269185 for more information and a timetable.
Bosworth School of Dance
Date modified: Wednesday, 22nd June 2022 12:28 PM