New Pastures Care Farm is a small, friendly educational provider and day service for adults and young people in Warwickshire and beyond.
Care farming provides health, social and an educational service for a range of vulnerable groups of people. This includes people with learning disabilities, people with autism and people with Mental illness. We provide a service on a regular basis for individuals to attend the farm as part of a structured care, rehabilitation, therapeutic or educational programme. The concept of Care Farming can be beneficial to reengage people, build confidence and help to improve social skills, whilst working alongside a variety of animals. New Pastures is home to rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, chickens, goats, pigs, sheep, cows, horses and donkeys. Placements are practical and allow people to be hands on with the animals whilst working towards developing social skills, building resillience, maintaining firendships and gaining vocational skills that are required within the industry.
As qualified teachers and having a background in SEN, Katie and Stuart are able to deliver Nationally recognised qualifications in vocational subjects and Functional skills, providing person centered bespoke paskages.
Please contact Katie for more information - info@newpasturescarefarm.co.uk