A local support group run by patients for patients. Our sole aims are to help patients and their carers from diagnosis through treatment recovery and beyond. Why not join us at our regular social evenings and outings etc; we are sure you will enjoy them. Please be assured that we are not a group that sits around dwelling about the downside of our ailments on the contrary we focus on an up-beat atmosphere which is far more conducive to recovery. Friendship It is an established fact that socializing and forming friendships does help with recovery and the longer-term wellbeing. This is particularly true for patients but also benefits their carers and wider family members. The ABC Club has a full calendar of events published to all patients who wish to be informed. We undertake regular Open Evenings which are social gatherings usually with a speaker light refreshments and a fund raising raffle. There are no attendance charges and the Car Parking is free at Hospital events. Activities In addition to the Open Evenings we arrange a variety of fun activities which include Skittles Nights Walks Outings Pilates and our excellent annual Christmas Lunch. Cover costs may be charged. All are regularly well attended and respect any disabilities attendees may have e.g. the need for a wheelchair etc. Meals In collaboration with Wiltshire Farm Foods nourishing well balanced and nutritious ready meals may be provided direct to the home thus ensuring the patient has regular meals of good quality at the most crucial stage of their early recovery e.g. immediately after discharge from hospital following surgery. Transport Many patients either live in outlying locations where public transport is limited or nonexistent or they do not have access to transport within their family. This makes attending Hospital for regular treatment such as Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy very difficult and can be quite expensive. Although the ABC Club does not have access to its own transport it can help towards the cost of using Community Transport or similar. Our aim here is to ensure patients do not consider refusing treatment programmes because the cost of the transport to the treatment centre is beyond their means. Toiletries Depending upon individual circumstances a supply of creams pads dressings etc. can be a great help particularly when first going home after surgery. Also in cases where an emergency admission is necessary then the basic toiletries such as toothbrushes toothpaste soap etc. can be provided. Comfort Aids We have available specialist comfort cushions designed specifically for those who find sitting difficult until the full healing process is complete. Domestic Support We can provide home help where needed and for an agreed period which is particularly useful to patients with young children or those living alone. Using Age UK as our provider thus ensures the helpers are known to a larger organisation than ours and hence are accredited. For further information please see our website or phone for a chat.