Spring HAF
Each eligible young person (in full-time education from Reception to Year 11 who receives benefits-related free school meals) with a HAF code can access a maximum of 4 funded sessions over the Spring holidays.
Families have the flexibility to book with multiple activity providers if desired. All providers can request additional funding for 1-to-1 support if this is required, however this will depend on their staff availability and qualifications. We do have a number of SEND-specific activities which may be a more suitable option.
For families not in receipt of benefits-related free school meals, we can release a limited number of HAF codes for each delivery period. A separate referral form will need to be completed on behalf of your family, if you're facing a significant financial barrier and one (or more) of the following criteria apply:
- Have an allocated family support worker or social worker
- On an open early help plan
- Your child(ren) acts as a young carer
The referral form is available upon request from a professional/allocated worker on hafprogramme@warwickshire.gov.uk