We provide a community support service for Deaf British Sign Language (BSL) users, enabling them to live a fulfilled enjoyable life in their homes as well as other settings, reducing isolation and stress levels, as well as eliminating the barriers Deaf Adults face day to day. 

Our service is a bespoke, personalised service with a person-centred approach, accommodating the diverse range of needs that the Deaf community have. Our service acknowledges the complexitiesDeaf people face in the community, changing and updating as needed. This is either through a video call or a face to face visit.

Our service is client led and affordable to self-funding clients who are in receipt of a disability welfare benefit; we also accept Direct Payments from Adult Social Care.

DCI Directors are both Deaf and hearing with vast experiences of working in the Deaf community and supporting Deaf, British Sign Language (BSL) users with complex needs and diverse issues. 

DCI feels privileged to have Deaf Directors giving first hand experience of challenges within the Deaf community and how they overcome them. We follow the guidelines of CQC and have devised our policies to adhere to their standards to ensure we can give the highest quality service to our clients. As a registered Non-Profit organisation working with vulnerable adults, we are constantly looking to develop our knowledge in regards to training and keeping up to date with new Government legislation.