Woodside Friends and Family is the Parent Teacher Association for Woodside C of E Primary School in Grendon, Atherstone. We are an independent charity (1203774) that works closely with the school to support them to provide extra opportunities and equipment to pupils at the school that would otherwise not be available. We aim to help connect the school with the wider community through external events, and through supporting the Fruits for Future programme.

Fruits for Future is a project at the school which aims to connect children with nature and teach them to grow their own food. We have received grants from Warwickshire County Council to plant a community orchard and build a food sharing shed around the school grounds during 2023/24. We are also fundraising for an immersive classroom which would also be available for wider community use.

We would love to involve the wider community with Fruits for Future - please get in touch via our website if you would like to be involved or get updates as the project progresses.