VIP Day Centre is designed to support people to live well with all types of dementia Sensory Impairments and disabilities and take part in activities that will improve their quality of life delay further deterioration of their physical and Mental Health and ensure that they have a positive and fulfilling experience. It aims to support service users to enjoy and express the same feelings as everyone else to feel comfortable experience and develop friendships affection and contact with people and continue to enjoy quality of life. We will support people to feel useful and part of the community helping people experience achievement and fun encouraging people to maintain interests and hobbies and enjoy remaining strengths and abilities to in turn delay further deterioration of physical Mental Health and promoting a better nights sleep. VIP Day Centre will make a massive difference to support the local community and drive down the price of day care. This will enable more people to access day-care at an affordable price and hopefully allow more individuals funding to use the scheme which will in turn support people to remain living well with dementia as part of the community and less people needing to use care home facilities.