Longhurst's Romsey & Winchester service provides support to adults who suffer from different Mental Health disorders aged between 18-65 years old. We provide a high standard of accommodation and care in 2 semi-detached houses comprising of 1 bungalow and 3 single person flats. In all of the accommodation the bedrooms are single rooms. There is also a dining room which has shared use. There is an office area that includes a staff sleep-in room toilet and shower a disabled toilet kitchen and communal lounge with a pay phone and computer with internet access. The lounge and kitchen are open for tenant use from 7am to 10pm daily. All properties have access to a garden greenhouse and a small plot for growing vegetables. The main aim of Romsey and Winchester Avenue is to provide a quality service support people experiencing mental ill health which is of a severity and persistence to have significant effect on the ability of the person to live without support. We provide support that is broadly equivalent to that which can be provided by a competent relative. We achieve this by working with and supporting individuals who wish to live independently. We are committed to service user involvement both in care and support as well as in the development of the service. As a service we are able to respond to emotional social and health care needs. In doing so we respect and uphold the service users right to choice privacy dignity autonomy and personal fulfilment at all times. Our staff team compromises of the following: Registered Care Manager Niky Gilbert who has overall management responsibilities for the home. Niky reports to Head of Care Joanne Allen who oversees this service and other Longhurst care homes in Warwickshire. We also have 2 Assistant Team Leaders and 11 Support Workers with also Reserve Support Workers.
It's all about you and what you want to do with your life so at Longhurst we're here to help you do things your way. Everything starts with a conversation. And if you wish we are happy to talk to your family and friends too. This makes sure we really get to know you your life and what makes you happy. We decide nothing about you or your life without listening to what you have to say and we are here to support you to make your decisions. With over 50 years of experience we've had a lot of practise at listening to people and shaping our service around what you have to say. Our friendly professional staff can offer all of the advice and information needed so that you can make decisions about your future