Drovers House is located on the old Cattle Market in Rugby and provides a home for 75 older people.  

The home has six households for between 10 and 13 people, each of which has its own communal open-plan lounge, dining area and kitchen. Everyone has their own ensuite room with a personalised front door and windows overlooking the surrounding area. For couples, a double apartment can be created with a bedroom and private lounge or adjacent bedrooms are available. Whilst there's always lots happening in each household including our regular exercise classes and activities, Drovers House also has a café where residents can meet family and friends for a drink and some cake, a shop where they can stock up on supplies for their household's kitchen, a hair salon and spa bath.  

Outside is a large garden with a tool shed, raised beds, and varied planting which residents look after. There's also a fountain and bike path with a specially designed side-by-side bike for two. Those more green-fingered residents tend to the vegetable and fruit plots growing fresh produce which is used in the kitchens.  

The home's Lifestyle Coaches plan a range of activities including regular outings and day trips. They will always do their best to ensure that you can continue to do the things that you have always done. As part of our activity provision, WCS Care employs dedicated Community Musicians who deliver one-to-one or group music-based activities. And our Memory Maker minibus provides regular, local trips for residents, including those who need to use a wheelchair. We invite relatives to join our trips so families can make new memories together.

Volunteers from The Gift of Years Rugby also visit the home regularly to provide services of worship, befriending, singing groups and one-to-one activities. 

The home uses a range of technology that has health and wellbeing benefits for residents including acoustic night-time monitoring, which means residents have more privacy and aren't disturbed unnecessarily at night, and circadian lighting in one household and the reception area. Care notes are captured using an electronic care planning system which also includes our relatives' gateway which, with consent, relatives can use to view their loved one's care notes in real time from anywhere with an internet connection.

If you're thinking about making Drovers House your new home, please get in touch to arrange a tour - like any new home, you'll only know if it's right for you when you walk through the front door. 

To see what our relatives and residents say about Drovers House, please read our reviews on carehome.co.uk