Dementia day care clubs Stratford-upon-Avon

Dementia Care with a difference!

Our Dementia Day Clubs promote independence, social interaction and activity, cognitive stimulation, and friendship all delivered in a safe environment and full care support for those who need it. Our daycare service offers an amazing alternative to traditional care home based day care as we run our day care in community settings so for those who attend it feels more like a club. It is staffed by fully qualified support workers who are trained in first aid, moving & handling, dementia awareness, and the safeguarding of vulnerable adults.

We offer a full and varied range of activities at our Day Clubs. Our activities are built around each of our clients and are adapted to suit each individual. It is important for us to get to know all club members so that we are able to tailor activities for each person that attends. Activities are an integral part of our daily life and our ability to participate in activities of our choice can have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing.